About Huithiang!



 Placeholder ImageHuithiang! is an off-shoot of  "Verses & Inspirations" - a Facebook page with the humble objective of inspiring, motivating and encouraging the world-wide family of believers. Visit our website at http://www.verses-inspirations.com (under construction) for encouraging commentary and articles for the entire family.

Huithiang! seeks to inspire, encourage, challenge and motivate Christians into action and a life of growth, spiritual well-being and freshness in Jesus Christ, to be an instrument of encouragement and inspiration, an oasis in the desert.

Huithiang! is committed to the task it has set out to do through print and online engagements for the glory of God and the building up of His worldwide body of believers.

 Huithiang! is non-denominational and covers the entire body of Christ without any discrimination on the basis of denominational and regional affiliations.

 Huithiang! exists to bring encouragement and inspiration with stories of faith, pearls of wisdom in Scripture, jokes, anecdotes and to serve as a reminder that we are all individually unique and personally significant to God. In Him we have hope and our lives have purpose.

I hope you will find something here that will touch your heart and move you a little closer to the One Who gave Himself for you and Whose love for you is without measure.

If you have been in any way touched and inspired, may God continue to bless you beyond measure, and use you as a channel of blessings to others. We pray that you'll touch other lives as well.

Administrator: Khamneithang Vaiphei

To learn more about Huithiang! and "Verses & Inspirations", and for encouraging updates, fun family photos, and special announcements, watch out for special announcements.

If you have any suggestions, tips, or ways to improve our services, you may contact us at:

versesandinspirations (a) gmail (dot) com

Verses & Inspirations: Conceptualised: March 11, 2010
                                         Publication: March 14, 2010

Huithiang! is a tribal word (in Vaiphei dialect), spoken by a people-group less than 70,000 in number, and scattered in India, Myanmar and Bangladesh. It literally means "fresh air". Let Huithiang! be a gush of fresh air to your mind and soul!